

All of us at some point in our lives, have to be loyal to our country. This loyalty to our
country may be generally understood as nationalism. A nationalist is a person who
loves his country. You may find statements of this kind in novels and poetry, speeches
and newspapers and also films.
Have you ever wondered when all this may have begun? What is the history of
nationalism? How old is this idea? Or. did people always love their country? Does the
world ‘nationalism’ carry any other meaning apart from a feeling of loyalty for one’s
country? These are the questions that we shall try to answer in this lesson.
After studying the lesson, you will be able to :
• trace the history of idea of nationalism;
• explain the reasons for the rise of nationalism in Europe;
• relate the growth of nationalism in India with the struggle against British colo-
• trace the emergence of ideas of nationalism in the field of culture in India and
• explain how nationalism was expressed in economic terms
It may surprise you to learn that the history of this idea is not more than 200 years old.
Nationalism, in the sense in which we use it today, did not exist in India before the
19th century. It may also surprise you to learn that the roots (origins) of this idea do
not lie in the Indian history but in the history of Modern Europe. In fact it is possible
to talk of Indian nationalism as distinctly different from its European counterpart. In
order to know this difference it is important to have an idea of the circumstances
under which nationalism took roots in Europe.
In Europe the development of nationalism was the result of the fundamental changes
that were taking place in society and economy around the 18lh century. The begin-
ning of the industrial revolution produced goods and materials and created wealth at
an unprecedented (unprecedented means like never before) level. This led to the

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Note:अपना मोबाइल नम्बर कभी भी न दे 

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